Friday, January 27, 2012


PERFECT REASON FOR "OBAMA" TO RUN AGAIN! (Or is it such a Good idea after all?) So he can go right ahead and VETO this BS any day now, Right?! I bet that would get him back in office with the Quickness! (but then again .... either way this turns out, He'll look like the Bad Guy! I for one believe it's all a set up for him to FAIL. They had more than enough time to pass the Act, but waited til now? The net has been around since when? (The early 90 for me, but the late 80's is probably more like when it went public) He is gonna be the Scape-Goat when it's all said and done! Dont stand by, STAND UP!!! CLAIM WHAT IS OURS. It's the ONLY other thing that WE THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, still actually share! A YT VIDEO W/MORE INFO (If it's not DELETED yet?!?)

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